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Raw Honey, Garlic, and more!

Looking for Natural & Organic local Honey and Garlic

We love and care for our Bees and use only natural fertilizers from our own or neighboring farms to grow our Garlic & other products.

Our 1841 Brick Farmhouse is an ecologically friendly farm, and we are proud to mainly offer Raw Honey & Garlic, both well known for their health-giving properties and great taste! We also enjoy growing a few Herbs & Vegetables and making Home Crafted goods.


We moved to our beautiful little Unity NH farm in July 2016 to begin enjoying our early retirement and expand our little 3 hive Apiary.  That Summer, we also started farming a small patch of Garlic as well.

Since then, we've become more than just Honey and Garlic as it didn't take long for us to add a roadside product offering of vegetables & herbs from our garden and raised beds. My talented wife went on to create a line of polymer clay figurines, Spirit Dolls, and a variety of other hand-made Christmas ornaments.

From there we tried our hand at Jellies, Jams, and condiments (at times carrying as many as 31 flavors), followed by Essential Oil Rollers & Epson Salt Bath Bombs, as well as offering Beeswax and Beeswax candles. With our adorable little brood of chicks, we soon offered farm fresh eggs. Periodically, I'll even post a Blog or two for you to enjoy.

Because we are small, most of what we have to offer is either sold at Farmer's Markets and Craft Fairs, or is purchased locally by our neighbors, families, and friends, and we do provide an honor box for product pickup & payment on our front porch. This website helps keep everyone abreast as to what we have available today. Although we have on occasion shipped a package or two, freight can be expensive, which is why we encourage everyone to buy from and support your local Apiaries, Farm Stands, & Artisans. Buy Local!


We are active in our community as members of the Crescent Lake Regional Sno-Riders, the Unity Conservation Committee,

and the Unity Historical Society, as well as the Kearsarge Beekeepers Association, and the Knights of Columbus.

 In March of 2023 I successfully ran for Selectboard in the town of Unity as well. I firmly believe that each of us can make a difference!

"I believe in being involved... The world doesn't get better just because we want it too!"


Thank you everyone for your continued interest & support!

Please contact us or stop by our Farm!


1841 Brick Farmhouse is a year-round Honey Farm that seasonally offers a variety of fresh farm products, crafts, and produce.

We specialize in Honey, Garlic, and Farm & Craft Goods.


At our 1841 Brick Farmhouse we feel incredibly fortunate & blessed that we get to do what we love,

and encourage everyone to stop by for a visit and just say "Hi"!

Located at

434 Lear Hill Road, Unity, NH

©2019-2025   1841 Brick Farmhouse.

Proudly created with

Phone # (603) 863-7400 (land-line) Please leave a message and

We'll get back to you!

We attend local Farmer's Markets,  "Old Home Day" celebrations, and Craft Fairs.
You can also stop by the Farm to pick something up.
(We are most often home but you may want to contact us to confirm that we'll be around when you arrive)

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